Evidences of Rohingya Terrorists in Rakhine,Myanmar.

Monday, July 16, 2012

VHP writes to PM, UN asks to Deport Jehadi Rohingya Muslims from Delhi to Bangladesh

Dr Pravin Togadia, VHP Chief
Dr Pravin Togadia, VHP Chief
Here is Dr Praven Togadia’s letter to the Hon. Prime Minister of India that is Bharat with a copy to the Secretary General of the UN, Head of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, India’s Home Minister & External Affairs Minister, Hon. President of India, President Vladimir Putin – Russia, President Obama – US and the Hon Chief Justice of Hon Supreme Court of India.
It is about the Rohingya Muslims infiltrated in India & straight now parking themselves in front of the UNHCR office & in nearby Mosques demanding Refugee status. These Rohingya Muslims have proven Jehadi Terror links as per the other attached documents as Appendix (total 4). The same Rohingya Muslims did massacre & ethnic cleansing of Buddhists recently in their area that is Arakan between Bangla Desh & Myanmar for demanding separate Islamic state. Some Buddhists like Chakma tribe who survived there, are now in Tripura of India. Rohingyas are projecting themselves as victims, however, there is a current alert about their Jehadi terror links with LET, ISI, Al Qaeda, HUJI, IM & others related to Agfhan Taliban who fought with Russia & also the groups in Kashmir.
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